martes, 12 de julio de 2011


 This final project is going to be focused on some typical British dishes which then will be compared to some Spanish ones. This topic is going to be divided in 2 different sessions and all students will be working on writing, reading, listening and speaking. This activity is aimed at 2nd ESO students.

-Competence in linguistic and audiovisual communication
-Artistic and cultural competence
-Competence in using ICT
-Learning to learn
-Autonomy and personal initiative competence

-New vocabulary acquisition:  baked beans, black pudding, hash brown, Yorkshire pudding, "a cuppa",  "coach potato", beef stew, etc...
-Present Simple & daily routines.

-Remember & acquire new food vocabulary.
-Learn to express yourself  and to get the message across in English
-Improve your listening skills
-Acknowledge different cultures, habbits and traditions
-Search new vocabulary on the net

                                   Session 1: (LISTENING & SPEAKING)

-Brainstorming: Warm up activity: try to find the name of different kinds of food that British people eat for breakfast. (Students should be able to mention most of these words: tea, coffee, orange juice, toasts, cereal, bacon, baked beans, sausages, mushrooms, hash browns, fried egg, fried tomato, black pudding, ketchup).

Have a look at this video:

There's nothing more typically British than "a nice hot cup of tea" or " a cuppa"!

ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS: -Why is English breakfast good for you?
                                                      -Where abouts in England is she in?

Students might not know the meaning of the following ingredients so please, assist them with this information on wikipedia:


Would you consider these are the most common and stereotypical Spanish breakfasts? Why?

Have a look at the following video:

-What time do Spanish people usually have breakfast?
-What's the word used in English for "café solo"?
-What kind of oranges are used for a freshly made orange juice?
-What's the main ingredient on a toast?

-Which breakfast do you think is healthier? Why?
-Do English people have breakfast at the same time as Spanish people?
-What do you usually have for breakfast? Ask your partner.
-Do you drink tea, coffe, orange juice, milk, Cola Cao for breakfast?


 LONDON'S FUNNIEST SKYLINE! A must see! (Work in groups of 4)

-Pay close attention to London's skyline. What can you see?
-One by one, analyse every single detail in each picture. What vegetables can you see?

-Go to the end of the blog and read through the text. You will see what London's most famous buildings are made of!

                                        Session 2: (READING & WRITING).

-Have a look at the following link from a popular restaurant in London.  In this link  you will find a list with their daily special dishes.

-Likewise, have a look at the following link from a restaurant in Madrid. In this case, you will find a list with their main dishes:


A) Find the meaning of those dishes / food / ingredients you do not understand from the English menu. For example, what do "Yorkshire Pudding", "Mashed Potato" and "Beef Stew" mean? Find others.

                            Useful sites to help you with the new vocabulary:

Have a look at the following picture:
This is one of the special dishes from the Porter's restaurant. How would you describe it? What's the name of the dish?

B) After having analysed carefully both menus, CREATE and WRITE your own menu using dishes from the English and the Spanish sites. Explain why you are choosing these dishes and explain in detail their main ingredients. (150-200 words).

     For Fast Finishes: Have a look at the following pictures:


-What do these pictures suggest?
-What do they have in common?
-Are you familiar with the expression "be a couch potato"? What does it mean? Find it!


jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

WEB 2:

*L'arribada de les noves tecnologies ha afavorit l'ús indiscutible dels ordinadors per deixar de banda els clàssics llibres. Els alumnes ja no disfruten llegint un llibre i el que necessiten és interaccionar. Aquesta web és doncs realment interessant perquè els proporciona tot això que necessiten, des de la oportunitat d'aconseguir un penpal (utilitzant evidentment l'anglès com a eina de comunicació però sense obsesionar-nos amb la gramàtica i la correcció), passant per la creació de webquests en grup fins i de la creació de blogs i wikis (a través d'un programa d'intercanvi).
*Les competències bàsiques que es treballen són les següents.
       -Competència comunicativa lingüística i audiovisual
       -Competència artística i cultural
       -Tractament de la informació i competència digital
       -Competència d'aprendre a aprendre
       -Competència d'autonomia i d'iniciativa personal
       -Competència en el coneixement i la interacció en el món físic
       -Competència social i ciutadana
*Crec que una de les pràctiques més interessants és la creacció d'una Webquest. Els alumnes aprenen a buscar informació, a classificar-la i separar la important de la no important, a treballar en grup, a distribuir feines, a dissenyar la webquest, a analitzar la informació que troben i que han de presentar, etc. En aquest cas, el treball de la Webquest es realitzaria entre el segon i el tercer trimestre i els alumnes haurien de buscar un tema en el que estiguessin interessats i  l'haurien de preparar per presentar-lo a final de curs. Es treballaria en grups de 4 persones i cadasqú tindria una tasca determinada a fer. El professor es limitaria a orientar, suggerir i modificar idees però realment el paper destacar seria pels alumnes. Els alumnes poden incloure en la Webquest material que hagin treballat durant el curs a la classe d'anglès. Tota la Webquest ha de presentar-se en anglès, així com la seva presentació. Dissenyat per alumnes de 4t d'ESO i Batxillerat.

WEB 1:

*Crec que aquesta web és realment útil especialment per alumnes d'ESO i Batxillerat. La meva experiència em demostra que aquests alumnes tenen un nivell bàsic pel que fa a la gramàtica i al llenguatge escrit però la seva gran mancança és en els listenings i en l'speaking. El temps a l'aula és realment limitat per aquells alumnes realment interessats en aquestes dues habilitats. En aquesta web podem escoltar a parlants de la llengüa anglesa dins d'un àmbit natural i alhora podem realitzar exercicis sobre el que hem sentit. Considero que aquests exemples són molt més útils/reals/espontànis que no pas els listenings que escolten a classe (preparats i irreals).
Et dóna també la opció de descarregar-te els listenings que creguis més interessants i et proporciona un gran ventall de temes per poder desenvolupar la teva parla oral (Speaking Practice).
*Les competències que es treballen són les següents:
       -Competència comunicativa lingüística i audiovisual
       -Tractament de la informació i competència digital
       -Competència d'aprendre a aprendre
       -Competència d'autonomia i iniciativa personal
*Pel que fa a l'aula, crec que és una eina molt interessant. Agafant com a exemple l'apartat de "Listening & Speaking" d'anglès de secundària, una bon tasca seria utilitzar la Practice 1( 
De les quatre opcions que ens donen, trobo molt interessants la primera "How to Use Real English" i l'última "Yesterday". Potser em decanto per la darrera ja que podem escoltar a gent nativa d'EEUU mentre alhora repasem la teoria del Past Simple. En aquest cas, els faria escoltar el vídeo un parell de vegades i que intentessin  captar tots els verbs regulars i irregulars que escoltin. Llavors faria els exercicis i per acabar, llegiria el transcript perquè acabessin d'entendre aquelles parts més costoses. 

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011


Drinking in an English Bar

1. In England, in pubs or bars, you can have drinks but you are not allowed to get drunk; and in Scotland you are on the wrong side of the law if you are drunk and in possession of a cow.

The “Tube”

2. In London the tube route from Leicester Square to Covenant Garden is the most popular tube route for tourists despite the fact that it is actually quicker to cover this distance on foot!
3. The tube system, despite being the first and the largest underground system in the world, is also the most unreliable and the costliest.
4. The 409 escalators in the London subway cover a distance every week which is approximately equivalent to several trips around the globe!

Royal Eccentrics

5. Did you know that the Windsor Castle is the oldest royal residence in the world that is still being used by the royal family and that the Buckingham Palace was built in 1702 on the site of an infamous brothel!
6. It is also believed to be haunted by many ghosts including those of Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I, King George, and Charles I.
7. The Queen of England, who once enjoyed extensive powers and authority over almost the whole world, and despite all her present majesty and glory, is not allowed to enter the House of Commons simply because she is not its member!
Tea Drinking
8. The English are tea addicts: an Englishman drinks more tea than any person of any other nation (over twenty times more than Americans!).

Big Ben is not a clock

11. Contrary to popular belief that Big Ben refers to the world famous clock, it is actually the name of the thirteen ton bell. The tower itself is known as St. Stephen’s Tower.

Where do they come from?

12. That London is one of the cities with the high cultural diversity in the world, can be gauged from the fact that about 25% of the inhabitants of London were born outside of England!

London, London

13. One of the most well-known theatres of The United Kingdom is the Theatre Royal Bristol that has been continuously staging “Cats” since 1766!
14. Did you know that London has had many names in the past? It was calledLondonium during the Roman Invasion, Ludenwic in Saxon times, andLudenburg during the kingdom of Alfred the Great.
15. The London Eye is the tallest observation wheel in the world and each rotation takes about 30 minutes.
16. In the Great Fire of London that wreaked havoc on the city and necessitated massive reconstruction work, the casualty count was only eight!
17. The treasures contained in the British Museum span two million years of world civilization.

The bridge that fell down 1000 years ago

18. You must have heard the “London Bridge is falling down” nursery rhyme. Did you know that this rhyme might be over a thousand years old? The Saxons destroyed London Bridge using boats and ropes to tear it down. People think that is how the rhyme originated.
19. Did you know that the river Thames, which flows through London, has over 200 bridges and 20 tunnels?


Basil and Manuel have a conversation about how to dress the breakfast trays

-What does Mr. Fawlty say on his first sentence?
-What does Manuel understand?
-Where is Manuel from?
-What does "burro" mean? In what language?

James Blunt


-Where is he starting his tour tonight?
-What kind of audience does he have?
-How many men sleep together on the tour bus?
-What kind of school did he use to go to?
-Where has he bought a house recently?

Listening Practice: Robbie Williams